Eugene Parkinson’s Boxing

Fighting Against the progression of Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s Warriors

Training with Lori B. Havas

Parkinson’s Fitness Specialist

ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist 

Parkinson’s Boxing

Training With Lori B. Havas otherwise known as Merci-Less

Fighting Against the progression of Parkinson’s Disease. We Never Quit!! 

What are the benefits of a Parkinson’s Boxing Class?

Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Increased strength
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Improved hand-eye coordination
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Improved posture
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Better cognitive processing
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Relieve symptoms of soft-voice disorders
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Stronger core, which can lead to a better gait
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Improved balance and agility
Free Tulip Icon, Symbol. PNG, SVG Download.
Improved reaction time
Many people say that they see the boxing bags as Parkinson’s Disease, and they are
fighting the disease through punching the bags.
*You should always consult your doctor before starting up any new intense
exercise regimen to make sure that it will be beneficial to you.
Boxing gloves are provided although many participants like to bring their own
boxing gloves.
You are always welcome to drop in and watch a class anytime! We will all welcome you!

Parkinson’s Boxing Helps With:




Muscular Endurance


Balance and Agility


Hand Eye Coordination




Mental Focus

Lori B. Havas

Parkinson’s Fitness Specialist

ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist 

We are Located at 

Our New Gym

4065 W. 11th Ave #50 Eugene, OR 97402

Right Behind Arby’s

Contact Lori B. Havas to meet for an evaluation




A typical Parkinson’s boxing class at our gym in Eugene with the Parkinson’s
Warriors include: 

 75 minutes of exercises

We begin with stretches and warm up exercises that are Parkinson’s specific moves to prepare the body for the workout and to avoid injury

We then move into strength training using weights, bands, balls, and/or cordless jump ropes.

After the circuit, we move into the boxing room where Lori takes you through a boxing workout.

Vocal exercises are incorporated into the workout to help with any voice disorder symptoms of Parkinson’s.

Footwork and other agility exercises will be used to help improve balance.

The essential element is that we just have fun! We are a community of friends and support and feel like family.

A Parkinson’s boxing class is a full-body workout. You work at your own level staying within your limits. It is non-contact boxing. We are not hitting one another, we hit boxing bags.

Plus, there is something about punching a heavy bag that makes you feel empowered and helps you recognize the possibilities of what you can do

Real Work.
Real Results.

Meet Our Trainer

Lori B. Havas

 My name is Lori B. Havas. I am the founder of The Parkinson’s Warriors. I am here to help you fight back against Parkinson’s Disease and to help make your life easier. I want to help give you control over your life again.
I am a Certified Parkinson’s Fitness Specialist and an ACSM Certified Exercise Physiologist and my passion is to help those with neurological disorders conquer or alleviate their symptoms through non-contact boxing and a full wellness-centered approach.
I have been working with people with
Parkinson’s since 2010, and was awarded the Lane County 2019 Health Care Hero Award.
I also offer one-on-one personal training.
I look forward to devoting more of my time to working with all levels of exercise classes for Parkinson’s.
Come join Lori’s Warriors to fight back!


Lori B. Havas April 2022
Exercise is key when you have Parkinson’s disease (PD) to help you manage the many
symptoms of your PD and to help you regain control of your life. But what type of
exercise is best? Ultimately, it is what you like to do. What is something that you will
stick with? What helps you get to that level of intensity that is required to help you fight against PD? Many people who live with Parkinson’s Disease have found that boxing exercise does it all for them.


Boxing challenges the brain to create new circuits which lead to neuroplasticity. It enhances the brain’s ability to rewire and reorganize itself by forming new neural connections.

Boxing improves: balance | gait | walking speed | endurance


One on One Training

Train One on One with Lori 

 Group Classes

Group Classes are available:

 Monday and Wednesday from 11:30 – 12:45 and 1:00 – 2:15

Tuesday and Thursday from 1:00 – 2:15

Zoom Classes

Contact Lori first for the zoom link

Zoom classes are Monday and Wednesday at 9:45 AM

Parkinson’s Boxing Image Gallery

what They’re Saying

Client Testimonials

Lori certainly encourages everyone to work as hard as they can on any given day, but, it is her laughter at us and herself that makes it so much fun.

Barbara and Herschell Sandefur

I enjoy my non-contact boxing, it is a great mental and physical workout.  Banging on the heavy bags is a great way to let go of the daily struggles with Parkinson’s.  The staff is awesome. I enjoy the camaraderie, as well as other warriors. And it’s great for the mind and body!

Ed Hollis

The very first time I heard about Boxing being beneficial for Parkinson’s was about 6 yrs ago & I immediately was excited.  I had once taken a kickboxing class when I was about 18 yrs old.  Anyone who knows me well, knows that I  love watching Boxing on TV. That’s just me, & that is the best way for me to explain it!

Shimona Woods

My husband has been taking this class for over a month now and I have already seen improvements in his balance..its a great class!”


I have been part of Lori’s Boxing class since the very beginning, this month March 2022, marks our 4 year anniversary.
Some benefits I can list off the top of my head from PD Boxing are better balance, coordination, overall strength & stamina, better reaction time & self defense. You never know where you might need it these days lol!
I have more muscle definition in my arms & shoulders and have quite a strong core.. I didn’t even have a core when I started this class!


I really like the classes right now! I am sore, which is a good thing. 
The time and effort you put into these classes – I think is easy for us to take for granted. Your seemingly endless ideas on how to challenge us and our brains is greatly appreciated!
Double Trouble

I truly enjoy this class because I never feel judged, we are all here in the same fight against this thing called Parkinson’s & it gives me the greatest sense of camaraderie!

Shimona Woods

The benefits we get from our workouts are s-s-s-o-o-o-o-o- great, it’s the caring and sharing attitudes of all the happy faces in the group that are equally beneficial. 

Ron Johnson

Boxing has really helped with my stamina, endurance and speed.

Bill B.

Why Parkinson’s boxing?

Think about your WHY’S to fight against Parkinson’s Disease. Every one of us has a different reason WHY we want to keep up the fight. Find your WHY.
Is your WHY to return to an activity that you feel like this disease has suppressed or taken away from you?
Is your WHY to spend more time with your family?
Is your WHY to be able to be strong enough to give back to your community?
Is your WHY to be able to walk and talk and move better?
What is your motivation? Think about how you will feel if you can move better, feel better, and do more.
Come train with us and let us help you to feel better, to find some relief, to have more freedom, to live your life. Together we are an amazing support group to fight Parkinson’s. We are the Parkinson’s Warriors!!

Join Our Fight against Parkinson’s disease

Contact Lori now if You are interested in one of her classes and she will contact you as soon as she can.

6 + 12 =

Support the “Call on the Fighter” project and own this inspirational song that continually reminds you of the battle that you, as a Parkinson’s fighter, or that of a loved one with Parkinson’s, is winning every day.